Expert online courses designed for children of emotionally immature parents

Learn to re-parent and heal your inner child and become a more compassionate and loving parent to yourself.

Includes colorful 30 page digital workbook, 26 lessons, 15 video lessons, journal prompts. and MP3 guided meditations and affirmations.


Take my free course to help you identify if what happened to you in childhood was emotionally abusive and/or neglectful.

Finally identify and validate what happened to you and how to begin healing your life and relationships.

Free mini journal included.

Free course

Identify and heal the very specific wounds and trauma of being raised by caregivers who struggle with Narcissistic and/or Borderline Personality Disorder. 100 page colorful workbook, 74 lessons and 30 videos focused on attachment science, poly vagal theory, mentalization based therapy, emotional regulation techniques, psychoanalytic theory, and research based on helping children raised by parents with NPD and BPD — essentially emotionally immature parents who had difficulty navigating their big emotions, validating you and seeing you as a separate and worthy human. $397

“Being highly sensitive to other people’s moods & emotions, avoiding conflict, isolating yourself, struggling with chronic anxiety, and a fear of rejection is often a trauma response.”

Being good at reading people, isolating, chronic anxiety, over-thinking and over-feeling, self silencing, conflict avoidance, toxic shame and toxic stress are all common when we spent our childhoods repeatedly walking on eggshells around caregivers, family, etc.

Learn how to heal the trauma response of being chronically alert around everyone and everything —so you can finally feel peace inside your body, and within your life and relationships.


Did you have to walk on eggshells in your childhood?

Deep Thinkers,

Deep Feelers

Follow me on YouTube to learn more about your childhood, relationships, trauma, eggshell parents, emotionally immature parents with Narcissism and Borderline Personality Disorders, and newly emerging research and information on late diagnosed autism, adhd, etc in high masking populations, women and girls with autism/adhd.

Subscribe to My Free Newsletter on Substack!

A newsletter with private video, audio and written content on Trauma, Autism, reducing Chronic Inflammation from toxic stress and recipes, Film & Tv  Psych reviews and The Art of Isolation.

Therapy & Testing

At this time, I am no longer accepting new clients or creating a wait list.

I also do not provide autism or any psychological assessments.

**Please note as well—I am unable to respond to emails regarding requests for therapeutic feedback related to your experiences, trauma, diagnoses, relationships, etc.

I value you and your time so very much, but it is also unethical and inappropriate for me to provide a response.

For media requests only, please contact me at

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